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Why “Two Smiles for the Price of One”?

Why did I name this blog “Two Smiles for the Price of One”? Maybe I should explain … As a hobby, I make cards, handmade and designed by myself. I make my own cards for Christmas, wedding invitations, birthdays, etc. It is a passion that I have, I love to design and make them. Once, I even designed and made 400 wedding invitation cards for my sister in law, and it was very well more..

IMG_0350It’s been a week since I left my job, a job that I have 101% of confident and competency, in executing almost anything place in front of me and to achieve the end results I am responsible and answerable for.

This is the second week that I am in the new job… a job that I am responsible for every single cent i spent and every single cent that I can potentially make… 

I really thought with the change, I will have more time to write…

I have just  spent hours opening a bank account and applying for phone lines… and I can’t imagine the countless hours i will need to spend in getting the company registered to all the necessary statutory departments…P4285869

Nonetheless, I am excited about what is set in front of me…  they are the second source of my strength and encouragement!

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